Thursday, August 7, 2008

Getting older

How on earth Mr. H. and Mr. K. found out about my birthday, I do not know. Well, it is too late, since the word is out and yes my birthday is coming. It is not one of those critical birthdays, when people go around thinking that the world is coming to an end. I had one of those when I turned 30. I was convinced at the time, that my life was not half but completely over and that nothing good can happen to me afterwards. It sounds absolutely ridiculous now, but back then I did believe it. When I turned 32 I suddenly noticed that my skin wasn’t so elastic any more, but it didn’t seem to bother me. At the age of 33 my hair dresser gave me a “nice” remark about my hair turning gray. At 34 my cosmetician said that my skin looks very young and that she would have sworn I was 33. Imagine a wonderful feeling when somebody tells you that you look a whole year younger. At the age of 35 my son told me not to accompany him to the school door, since he is big enough to do it himself and that I can easily drop him off at the corner of the street, which of course I did. Anyway, I am turning 37 on August 10th and I feel happy about it.

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